Anderson County Sheriff's Office Creates Safetrade Zone


Anderson County Sheriff’s Office has joined the SafeTrade initiative for safer completion of online transactions.

SafeTrade is a simple program for law enforcement agencies to encourage transactions at their facilities to strengthen safety and security of residents who may wish to conduct business through online trading groups, websites, and other buying and selling apps.

Users of various online transaction platforms have often fallen prey to scammers and criminals who used sites such as Craigslist and others to swindle, rob or more seriously, physically harm unsuspecting individuals who meet in person to trade.

“With the recent growth of websites and online trading forums, opportunities for criminals to cheat good people out of their stuff has also grown,” says Sheriff Chad McBride. “One of the goals of our office is to continually provide Anderson County residents with resources to keep them safe and reduce the chances they will be harmed by criminals. By offering a safe place for exchanges, we hope to reduce the number of crimes related to this type of business activity.”

Two parking spaces at the front left of the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office, located at 305 Camson Road, have been designated with special signage as the SafeTrade Station. Those who finalize online transactions from this location can do so knowing that surveillance cameras are monitoring their exchanges during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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